28 octobre 2012
Dear Resident, As you may be aware our area will most likely be impacted by Hurricane Sandy, this storm brings the potential of high winds localized flooding downed trees and power outages. Below are some important tips for hurricane preparedness that you and your families may find useful. Important Phone Numbers: 9-1-1 (Police, Fire, EMS) Weehawken Police Direct – 201-863-7800 (Police, Fire, EMS) IN PREPARATION FOR THIS STORM, WE WOULD RECOMMEND THE FOLLOWING: • Clear gutters and drains and downspouts • Remove all items from your balconies • Make sure all your windows are closed • Make sure your cell phone is charged - cordless phones won’t work in a power outage. • You may want to shut down computers to avoid a power surge. • To ensure a supply of water for sanitary purposes such as cleaning and flushing toilets, fill bathtubs and other large containers with water. (This is just in case there is a loss of electricity). • Turn the refrigerator and freezer to the coldest settings and keep them closed as much as possible so food will last longer if the power goes out. • Buy food (canned) that will keep and have bottled water on hand with a non-electric an opener. • Fuel and service vehicle(s) • Ensure you have extra cash on hand • First-aid kit • Extra blankets and sleeping bags • List of emergency phone numbers, including PSEG DURING THE STORM: • Listen to the radio or TV for information. • Stay indoors don’t be fooled by a lull in the storm, it could pick up again. IN CASE OF LOSS OF ELECTRICITY DURING THE STORM: In the event of a power outage please contact PSE&G (emergencies/outages) 800-436-PSEG(7734) directly, and then inform our Police department at 201-863-7800 • Make sure you have flashlights and new batteries available. • Have a battery operated radio available. The township will provide necessary updates as conditions warrant via E-mail, Reverse 911 system or our website at www.weehawkennj.us. Thank you | |
Richard F. Turner - Myor & Township Council | |
Published by An'so & Stéphane